I’m not the best at linux but I am someone who can usually figure things out. I am running tshark (instead of tcpdump) so I get better data when analyzed with wireshark. I want to run a check to make sure that tshark continues to run and if not then start it up again and also chmod the .cap files so I can copy them down via FTP so I can analyze them.
First lets create the script to check if the service tshark
is running and if not, launch it.
echo "`date` Validating $SERVICE is running" >> /home/hosangit/archivecap.log
if ps ax | grep -v grep | grep $SERVICE > /dev/null
then echo "`date` $SERVICE service running, everything is fine" >> /home/hosangit/archivecap.log
chmod 777 /home/hosangit/captures/*.cap
else echo "`date` $SERVICE is not running!!!!!" >> /home/hosangit/archivecap.log
echo "`date` Attempting to start $SERVICE now...." >> /home/hosangit/archivecap.log
tshark -i eth0 -n -t ad -b filesize:20000 -b files:1000 -w /home/hosangit/captures/tshark_USTRO.cap & echo `ps -e|grep tshark` >> /home/hosangit/archivecap.log
Let’s save this file as archivecap
and make it executable by typing sudo chmod +x /home/hosangit/archivecap
Now let’s test it by running it (if you are in your home directory hosangit then) ./archivecap
If everything works, let’s make a cronjob to run this every hour:
sudo crontab -e
00 * * * * /home/hosangit/archivecap
15 * * * * chmod 777 /home/hosangit/captures/*.*
30 * * * * chmod 777 /home/hosangit/captures/*.*
45 * * * * chmod 777 /home/hosangit/captures/*.*
Note: I have to chmod the capture files because I am using a sudo cron so I can launch tshark which means I don’t have rights to ftp the files down (I get an error can not open file) so I have to change the permissions on the files so I can ftp them down which seems to work. So I setup a sudo cron to change permissions every 15 minutes.
I am noticing that every hour this script actually restarts tshark instead of just checking to see if it is running.
Prior to the cron running I perform a
ps -e|grep tshark
and I see tshark running. Then on the hour when the cron runs it says it isn’t running and then starts it up. So it must have something to do with the check. Maybe the file doesn’t exit.
Updated the script and now it seems to be working better.
STARTTSHARK="tshark -i eth0 -n -t ad -b filesize:20000 -b files:1000 -w /home/hosangit/captures/tshark_USTRO.cap"
echo "`date` Validating $SERVICE is running" >> $LOGFILE
if ps ax | grep -v grep | grep $SERVICE > /dev/null
echo "`date` $SERVICE service running, everything is fine" >> $LOGFILE
chmod 777 /home/hosangit/captures/*.cap
echo "`date` Finished chmod *.cap files" >> $LOGFILE
echo "`date` $SERVICE is not running, restarting $SERVICE" >> $LOGFILE
checktshark=`ps ax | grep -v grep | grep -c tshark`
if [ $checktshark -le 0 ]
if ps ax | grep -v grep | grep $SERVICE > /dev/null
echo "`date` $SERVICE service is now restarted, everything is OK" >> $LOGFILE
echo "`date` Unable to start $SERVICE, suggest reboot" >> $LOGFILE
echo "`date` Exiting archivecap" >> $LOGFILE
tshark would close after about 10 (20mb or 15mb) files so I change to 12mb files and it appeared to be running better but after my 15 minute run of archivecap I ran ps -e|grep tshark and noticed the process id changed so in short, my script is restarting tshark when it was running just fine.
I believe the chmod part of my script is what is breaking tshark because I am chmod an open file that tshark is using so what I am going to try is taking that part out and seeing if tshark will continue to run even when the cron runs the check.
Okay it appears the issue has been resolved by implementing two solutions
utilize two scripts (cannot do a chmod on files that are in use or it will kill the process)
/home/hosangit/chkshrk (purpose is to check every 15 minutes and validate tshark is running and if not, start it up)#!/bin/sh
STARTSHRK="tshark -i eth0 -q -l -n -t ad -b filesize:18000 -b files:1000 -w /home/hosangit/captures/tshark_USTRO.cap"
echo "`date` Validating $SERVICE is running" >> $LOGFILEC
if ps ax | grep -v grep | grep $SERVICE > /dev/null
echo "`date` $SERVICE service running, everything is fine" >> $LOGFILEC
echo "`date` $SERVICE is not running, restarting $SERVICE" >> $LOGFILEC
checktshark=`ps ax | grep -v grep | grep -c tshark`
if [ $checktshark -le 0 ]
if ps ax | grep -v grep | grep $SERVICE > /dev/null
echo "`date` $SERVICE service is now restarted, everything is OK" >> $LOGFILEC
echo "`date` Unable to start $SERVICE, suggest reboot" >> $LOGFILEC
echo "`date` Exiting chkshark" >> $LOGFILEC
/home/hosangit/archivecap (purpose is to copy all capture files to archive directory and change permissions so they can be downloaded at 23:59)
STOPTSHARK="pkill tshark"
MOVEFILES="mv -f /home/hosangit/captures/*.* /home/hosangit/captures/archive"
echo "`date` Starting Archive of Capture Files" >> $LOGFILE
echo "`date` Stopping tshark" >> $LOGFILE
sleep 5
echo "`date` Moving files to Archive directory" >> $LOGFILE
sleep 5
echo "`date` Changing permissions to allow FTP download" >> $LOGFILE
chmod 777 /home/hosangit/captures/archive/*.cap
sleep 5
echo "`date` Done" >> $LOGFILE
alter the tshark launch script to include the -q and -l options which helps keep tshark up and running (look at the chkshrk script above for the exact command)
also do not use tshark as a filename when one of your calls in your script is looking to see if anything with tshark is running and if so then all is good.
important to set the sudo crontab
00 * * * * /home/hosangit/chkshark
15 * * * * /home/hosangit/chkshark
30 * * * * /home/hosangit/chkshark
45 * * * * /home/hosangit/chkshark
59 23 * * * /home/hosangit/archivecap
Silly question, but how do you STOP tshark from running in Ubuntu?
I want to free up some memory for ntop so it will stop crashing every other day due to lack of memory which is being consumed by tshark.
Thanks (cron works great with your recommendations)
A few different ways you can kill a process in linux (especially ubuntu).
kill $(pgrep tshark)
killall -v tshark
pkill tshark
kill ps -ef | grep tshark | grep -v grep | awk {print $2}
kill $(pgrep tshark)
killall -v tshark
pkill tshark
kill `ps -ef | grep tshark | grep -v grep | awk ‘{print $2}’`
I personally use
sudo killall tshark