Here you will find a quick tutorial on creating a vCMP Guest as well as deleting one.
For our test we will be utilizing a Viprion chassis but same process would be done on i or r Series.
Create vCMP Guest
command line
tmsh create vcmp guest usfnt1slbco01 allowed-slots add { 1 2 } cores-per-slot 2 hostname initial-image BIGIP- management-gw management-ip ssl-mode shared state deployed vlans add { Interconnect }
Check the status of the vcmp guest by running
tmsh show vcmp guest usfnt1slbco01
Output: this shows its still installing
Output: this shows the install is completed and the vCMP Guest is running
you click create and fill in the blanks
(NOTE: Install process does take a few minutes so this is not a fast process but a simple one)
Output: this shows its still installing
Eventually you will see this which shows the vCMP guest is installed and running
Shutdown vCMP Guest
From the command line
tmsh modify vcmp guest usfnt1slbco01 state configured
Check the current state of the vCMP Guest (only three choices: Configured, Provisioned or Deployed):
tmsh list vcmp guest usfnt1slbco01 state
From the gui (place checkmark next to vCMP guest you want to shutdown and click Configure
Delete vCMP Guest
From the command line
Capture the current configuration in the event you would have to rebuild it
tmsh list vcmp guest usfnt1slbco01
Now that we have the configuration in event of having to rebuilt let’s delete it
tmsh delete vcmp guest usfnt1slbco01
Verify vcmp guest has been removed
tmsh list vcmp guest usfnt1slbco01
From the gui