F5 uploading of qkview via the WebUI is not very good anymore since they moved to yucky salesforce so you have to upload your qkviews via iHealth API.
Generate Bearer Token
First you need to obtain the API curl for your credentials and you do this by logging into https://ihealth.f5.com and at the top part of your screen click Settings.
You will have a popup that looks like below and you need to click the copy button and you can paste it in a notepad or something that won’t alter the characters (like Sublime, VScode, etc)
At this point we have two options which is
1. you can manually just upload a qkview
2. you can create a script to generate the qkview, download it from the F5, remove it from the F5 (to save space), then upload it to iHealth.
Upload Option 1: Manually Upload QKview
Step One: Obtain Bearer Token
Reference the above image where you copy the curl command from your profile in iHealth. (not you will not be able to get this again without re-generating a new one so maybe paste it somewhere you won’t loose it if you want to reference it again via a script or something)
On your command line paste the curl command you copied from iHealth and its going to spit out the BEARER TOKEN you need in the next step.
Step Two: Upload QKview
This is taking in the assumption you already have the qkview created and downloaded to the machine you want to upload it from to iHealth.
curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer "replace-this-text-with-bearer-token-provided-by-running-above-command -H" Accept: application/vnd.f5.ihealth.api" --user-agent "MyGreatiHealthClient" -o - -F qkview=@"/home/cowboy/upload/usmifntlb01.lab.hosangit.com.qkview" 'https://ihealth2-api.f5.com/qkview-analyzer/api/qkviews?visible_in_gui=true&f5_support_case=00459318'
Upload Option 2: Bash Script to Create, Download and then Upload QKview
<coming but not yet here>
Check out this Video that may also help
If you are running into issues with getting qkview from F5OS check out this F5OS qkview walkthrough